Diamond Jubilee Year 2017-18
022 49220555/514
Vidyavihar West, Mumbai

Audit & Assurance

The independent and objective assessment of financial statements  is critical to the Stakeholder’s trust, safety & confidence and is quintessential to the growth of the organisation. Our ethical and practical audit approach coupled with our decades- long professional experience provides  value-added insights to our clients.

Statutory audits

Our statutory audit offerings include:

Statutory Audit of the financial statements of the organization in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (GAAP) in India in line with Accounting Standards and IND-AS.
Review & Reporting to overseas Parent Companies/Group Reporting in line with the IFRS / US GAAP./German GAAP
Limited Reviews as required under Listing Agreement issued by SEBI
Tax Audits in accordance with the requirements of Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act of India.
Transfer Pricing audits U/s 92 E of Income Tax Act
Goods & Service Tax (GST) Audit
Limited Reviews of Listed Companies
Ind AS/IFRS Financials Convergence and Compilation
Inspection of Mutual Funds under SEBI Rules and Regulations

Our array of clients include:

Listed Public Limited Companies Public & Private Limited Companies
Exceptionally large Private companies & Public Sector Undertakings
Public Sector Banks (Central Statutory Audit)
Large Multistate Cooperative Banks and Other Cooperative Banks
Insurance Companies
Goods & Service Tax (GST) Audit
Limited Reviews of Listed Companies

Risk Based Internal Audits

Internal audit over the decades has transitioned from a mere transaction based audit to a Risk based Internal audit. We understand the needs of organisations  to identify risks and effectively manage them with a view to optimize its full potential.

Our Risk based internal audits comprise:

Designing Internal Financial and Process Controls,
Preparation/Review of /Advisory on Standard Operating Procedures,
Monitoring Operating Efficiency of Controls and
Assisting in Better Compliance of RegulatoryRequirements of fiscal and other laws.

Forensic Audits

GDA has been carrying out Special Investigative / Forensic Audits since 1988 resulting into a rich experience of 30 years. Exhaustive, well drafted & Conclusive reports on the Forensic Audit assignments, well appreciated by all lenders is our forte. The Forensic Team comprises Professionals with certification in Forensic Accounting & Fraud Detection (FAFD) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi.We are empanelled with IBA and all major nationalised Banks.

Our offerings on Forensic Audit comprise:

Money trail and end use of funds financed by Banks or lenders
Diversion /Siphoning off of funds
Capital structure tracing including equity and debt
Adherence to Escrow and TRA arrangements
Analysis of Concentrating Transactions
Receivables Analysis
Related Party Transaction analysis

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)