Diamond Jubilee Year 2017-18
022 49220555/514
Vidyavihar West, Mumbai

Advisory Services

We understand that a role of Chartered Accountant goes beyond the threshold of fault finding and compliance testing. We look towards our Clients from the role of Business advisors and solution providers and partner in their growth and business targets and goal achievements. Our Advisory services include:

Direct Tax Advisory

Tax planning and Filing of Income Tax returns of Individuals, HUFs, Trusts, AOPs, Corporates etc.
Representing clients before CIT (Appeals) and Tribunal level and other Assesment Consultancy
Transfer Pricing Advisory
Foreign Remittance Certificates

Indirect Tax (GST) Advisory & Consultancy

Opinions on queries raised by clients on GST matters
Communications of amendments applicable to the client
Impact analysis of new amendments in GST Act
Monthly verification of GST returns filed by the client
GSTR reconciliation

Other Advisory Services

Financial Due diligence of clients during merger/takeover
IS Audit services by a team of professionally qualified Certified Information
Systems Auditors (CISA) to BFSI, Manufacturing & other sectors
Special Assignments for Banking & Financial Services Sector such as
GSTR reconciliation

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)